Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Time is Now

I suppose I've toyed with the idea of creating a blog long enough. I've been more hesitant because I know I have my favorite blog and they're just so good that I was (and still am ) a little nervous that the "little" stuff I have to say or talk about won't be interesting. But...whatever! I'm here now so I might as well "talk."

This is just the introduction so forgive me if I don't talk about the important stuff straight off the bat. But, here are a few housekeeping things for us all to keep in mind:

  • The "look" may change as we all move forward - these color schemes may not always be my flavor of the month.
  • I, Miss Brooklyn Blue, promise to liven the blogs up a bit with random pictures of things relevant to the post. I talk a lot so this is more important for me to remember than anything.
  • We'll be honest. This is my truth serum so, good or bad and right or wrong, I'll be honest. If I can dish it, I can take it.
So, there will be life talk (you'll learn more about what I do in a 9-to-5 as I go on and on), love talk (or lack thereof, lol, from time to time), and all types of relationships. Let us not forget everything in between, so this should be fun.

Welcome...and LET'S GO!!

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